Winter skincare with wonderful Cotswolds brands

WORDS BY Melissa Ormiston

How to make your face glow during the cooler months

There is nothing as invigorating as a blast of fresh winter air but hands down your skin will not agree so we take a peek at some fabulous Cotswolds brands to help keep your face looking and feeling fresh and supple, snow or not.

Dehydration and dryness are inevitable during the colder months as the air whips around and we move from the warmth inside to the chill outside so it’s vital to keep it protected at all times:

Wipe it Away

With busy lives, not everyone can manage the multiple product influencer face care routines doing the rounds but one of the main reasons skin can lose it’s luminosity is it’s not been cleaned thoroughly. Some people look forward to long routines that involve primping, priming and a little face yoga before retiring for the night whilst others like just a simple step that’s effective but takes no time at all before falling into bed.

Something light and gentle will work wonders such as Ila’s cleansing milk. It takes make up off instantly and its base of Argan Oil, sourced from a women’s cooperative in Morocco, leaves skin smooth and radiating.

Another fabulous product is the facial cleanser, the all-in-one hero from ANI Skincare that smells divine and melts makeup away, all you need is to smooth a little over the skin and wash off with a muslin cloth and warm water. It’s also a lifesaver if you have chapped, sore hands, just dab a little on the knuckle area and leave to sink in.

Or how about something from Liha, who have created a wonderful mud to milk cleanser called Oju Omi which is extremely hydrating. It works in multiple ways as both a face mask and cleanser with properties including kaolin clay and calming frankincense.

Clear the cells

Exfoliating is important to keep the dead skin cells at bay but be sure to use nothing that is too harsh or you’ll just end up with a raw face and a glow you don’t need. Try something like Bamford’s Edition 1 exfoliating face wash. It’s deep cleansing to leave your skin feeling smooth and squeaky clean. Including divine-smelling ginger, black rice and charcoal to help remove impurities it smells wonderful with bergamot and amber.

Liha has created Ose Gidi soap which cleanses without drying or making the skin feel taut. Made from a classic Nigerian recipe it includes ingredients including olive oil, molasses and moringa powder which is packed with anti-oxidants.

Lock in the moisture

No matter what your skin type, always be sure to use a good quality cream or oil to act as a barrier and seal in vital moisture every day. Applying after washing your face with warm water is the best way to optimise the cream’s properties and look for something like shea butter that provides deep hydration and can also soothe any irritation that the howling winds and rain may bring.

We absolutely love the award-winning Rose & Geranium oil from ANI skincare. Created by founder Joanna Walker it smells divine and you only need a couple of drops for the magic to work. You’ll feel a smooth, silkiness to your skin and it glows instantly. 

Another fabulous local moisturiser is from V&L Honeymakers from Lower Lea Farm. The honey oatmeal cream is full of essential vitamins and minerals plus fruit extracts and with its addition of honey there’s an anti-bacterial benefits that keeps your skin blemish-free.

Then remember to top up daily on the SPF, even when there’s not a speck of sun in the sky, with a cream such as Bamford’s factor 50 that has a silky finish brimming with golden seaweed extract and calming swiss pine extracts, keeping those winter sun's rays at bay.

Last but not least it’s important to remember to keep lips hydrated using a soothing lip smoother such as V&L’s honey balm made with a ton of ingredients including honey, kukui nut oil, and vanilla essential oil.